Tried-and-true house sitters

Username animalamigos  

56 - 64 years
Jun 1,2024
Pet sitters
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Steven and I moved from Texas to Costa Rica 14 years ago. We were property owners in Texas and happily married now for 35 years. We found a special need within our community of expats for responsible and capable house sitters and house sitting is a perfect fit for us. 

Since then, we've successfully completed over 50 house sits for properties in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama over the last 13 years ranging from one week stays to 6 months with many of those repeats. Our families truly appreciate the service, trust and love that we provide for their home and wonderful pets. And we love doing it for them and understand that trust.

We have excellent references from homeowners that will assure you of our attitude toward the responsibilty of house sitting. We do keep your home clean and tidy. All the chores will be done as you request.  Steven and I strive to keep our exellent reputation. The important attributes that we have to offer are common sense, honesty and reliability. Our kindness for animals goes beyond the norm and will gladly follow any routines and instructions for the pets and give them lots of love and attention. They make it enjoyable for us. We've lived on a ranch and have extensive experience with care of animals as well as worked with zoo animals.

Both of us have an upper level degree and early retired. Steven is mechanical and an excellent builder....very handy. Steven and I love off the grid living and specialize in remote settings and understand the particulars of day to day living in those settings. We have the friendly, southern spirit giving us an easy going, adventurous attitude about life.

We are involved in ongoing wildlife conservation projects. Steven is an avid bird watcher and I enjoy primate study and wildlife rehabilitation work. Both love nature and we try to help as many projects as we can for not only the animals but the local people.  We have donated over 5,000 volunteer hours with conservation organizations. Our hobbies include golf, bird and wildlife watching, kayaking and snorkeling. 

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