Friendly, Responsible, Experienced, Neat, Dog-loving Ex-Air Force Lady

Username InnocentAbroad  

65 + years
Jun 5,2024
Single female
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days

Retired with years of experience in various client-based services including 20 years in USAF medical services, administration in university settings & federal government providing assistance to executives, chairpersons and Air Force Generals as well as volunteering at local museums including the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. Am a mother to an adult child and was grandmom to 2 miniature English bulldog/grand-dogs. In 2021 I became Mom to a Cavachon puppy, Fin, who is now house-trained and has completed basic obedience and some additional training; he loves people and other friendly pups and cats. In the past, I have had a Yorkie for nearly 16 years and cared for friends' dog(s). For a while I provided pet sitting services on Rover.  Prior to Covid I provided house and pet sitting in Maryland and over a 4 week period in England. I have lived in Germany, England, Turkey and Okinawa. 

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (1)

“ Expert care by InnocentAbroad ”

Sit Dates Sep-11-23 - Sep-26-23 Homeowner DachsieLover23, Member Since Feb-26-24

Location Norton Massachusetts United States

Vera and Dave were the most wonderful dog and housesitters. The two dachshunds were well taken care of and enjoyed the company of Vera's dog Fin. Gustav in particular has been a bit sad lately without his company. Daily walks were had when it wasn't pouring. We apologize for the bad weather, usually it's much better in the summer. It was a pleasure to meet Vera and Dave and overlap slightly; they are lovely people. Vera even tidied one of my messy cupboards which was much appreciated! I recommend them both in the highest terms, it was an absolute pleasure to host them in my home. A big thank you from all of us! 

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