Concientious, green-fingered animal lover happy to help

Username Skylight  

46 - 55 years
Nov 1,2024
Single female
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

I'm 52, originally from London, but have been based in France since my early twenties. My work experience is mostly linked to art and academia: I paint myself, have a PhD in history of art and have been working as an translator for university researchers for the last decade.

Recently, I sold my house close to Paris, reduced all my wordly possessions to what fits in my tiny car and have become nomad with the aim of moving around for a while until I find somewhere to resettle. I enjoy living quietly and close to nature: I love walking, yoga, the company of animals, gardening and simply pottering around keeping a home in good shape.

I have looked after the homes and pets of several friends for many years and it's always worked out extremely well, so house sitting seems like an ideal way for me to discover new regions while continuing to live as I most enjoy doing. I also appreciate the philosophy of free reciprocal help.

I am naturally clean and tidy and have a fair amount of gardening experience, coming from a family of passionate and partly professional gardeners. I think I can claim to be pretty calm and efficient when faced with problems and emergencies. As I am travelling by car, I am happy to wind my way to remote and rural locations.

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (1)

“ House sitting review for Skylight ”

Sit Dates Oct-8-23 - Dec-14-23 Homeowner Viquita, Member Since Jul-7-23

Location Cadiar Spain

Finca Ara Oko, Cadiar,18440, Granada,Spain

House Sitter Recommendation for Anna Little.

Anna stayed at our farmhouse for over two months. She was an amazing house sitter. She kept us regularly updated with messages and photos while we were away, was calm and efficient in the face of various issues that arose (broken boiler, water leak, storm damage..) and looked after both the house and the garden beautifully. I thoroughly recommend her as a sitter.


Vicky Jassey

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