Experienced Dog sitters

Username petminder  

56 - 64 years
Not Available
Pet Minder
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months

petminder is currently not available. Find more House Sitters    

  Not Available  

We are an active retired couple, living in Omokoroa, New Zealand (near Tauranga), minding other people's pets part-time.

 We are currently looking for house sits in Europe between 1 June and 3 July.

We adore dogs (and animals in general) and have both had dogs and cats around us for most of our lives. However, we currently have none of our own pets (except gold fish), but for the past 6 years we have been minding other people's pets, including guinea pigs and hens! We mainly look after them in our own home or I do day visits at theirs. We love each animal's individual character, and they never fail to make us laugh at their antics! 
Although I was born in Germany, I grew up in India and South Africa. 
My partner, Werner, is also originally from Germany, but lived in Perth for over 30 years before coming to New Zealand, where we met 8 years ago.  

We love nature and like cycling and walking. 

Our Experience 

In addition to pet minding in New Zealand ,we have also experienced one overseas house sit in Australia. We loved it so much that we’ve decided that this is the best way to travel!  

Please see my Pawshake profile for our pet minding reviews in NZ.

Why we like Housesitting 

Housesitting combines our love of animals with our love of travelling. Another advantage is that you get to experience different places like a local when you stay in someone's home.

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