A former caretaker and lifelong friend of dogs and cats looking for a change...

Username Sitter3030  

56 - 64 years
May 1,2024
Single female
3 + Months


From early childhood, my family has had cats and dogs as part of our family. I have always had fun with our pets because they were the most loving and forgiving beings I have experienced in life. And in the times that they have not been a part of my life, I have always felt something and someone was missing. As I now have an empty nest and have entered a new stage of life, I am looking to reconnect with friends and other pet-friends as I travel the world.


From early childhood, my family has had cats and dogs as part of our family. I have always had fun with our pets because they were the most loving and forgiving beings I have experienced in life. And in the times that they have not been a part of my life, I have always felt something and someone was missing. So I am looking to reconnect with other pet-friends. Unfortunately, as recent as less than a year ago, my daughters and I have lost our two cats (from the same litter, a brother and sister) from illness (auto-immune complexes). From time to time I get to walk their dog (doesn't live with me) Chookie who from the first time I met him as a pup, adopted me, rather than the other way around.

What I Bring...

I bring the time, patience and maturity that I think makes me even more sensitive to the needs of my pet friends, which allows me to relax more to enjoy my time with them. And because I have past knowledge of each and every animal I've had, there is not a day that I do not reflect on how to listen and connect with new animals that I meet.

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