We are looking for a dogsitter for March 15-29, 2017 for our 110 lb. rottweiler mix, Opie. He is about 5 y.o., loves his daily walks, snuggling, and playing with his toys. Opie is a sweet dog and loves kids, but he is big and playful, so no small children as he might accidentally knock them over. He was a stray and is still a little timid and scared sometimes - mostly around men. But once he warms up to you you will never get him away from you! We would prefer to facilitate the first meeting with someone, if possible. Opie is strong, so he needs someone used to handling big dogs (especially if he sees a squirrel or a cat!). No other dogs please.
We live in a 2BR house in the West Seattle neighborhood, which is walking distance to the Alaska Junction - a nice neighborhood with a weekend farmer's market, lots of independent shops and restaurants/bars and a friendly atmosphere. Walking distance to Trader Joes as well. We have a decent sized (for the city) fully fenced yard and a hot tub! Very close to the bus lines as well.
If you are interested and available, please drop me a line!.