Farm and dog sitter (small acreage) wanted for May - July 2020
I am searching for someone/ a couple to look after our 5ac/2 ha property near Moruya, NSW, for 2.5 months. To undertake this, the sitter(s) we are looking for would have extensive experience with dogs and be committed to being home each day, providing daily exercise and activities and lots of companionship. Ideally the sitter will also be a plant lover and experienced in horticulture/permaculture (see below).
Tasks include caring for our (by then) 1 year old Golden Retriever, some chickens (easy), and there may be some fish aquariums (easy care). We prefer that our house sitters did not bring pets with them. Garden wise you would need to keep an eye on the watering systems (rainwater tanks, tank & dam pumps) including the irrigation system to our fledgling market garden & glasshouse. You would also need to keep on top of weeds in the market garden/food beds (bonus - you get to eat the food). If we again have endless dry spells, some watering (by hose) will be required to the 500+ native plants that have been planted on the property in garden beds and as part of creek restoration (this is not difficult).
Despite it getting cool at night at that time of year (4 - 7 degrees averages), the days are typically still and nice ( degrees averages) and working outside is very pleasant - there are no flies, no mosquitos and no mowing needed. And the reptiles are sleeping.
What we can offer in exchange is modest accommodation in a 'tiny' house (30m2 Mordek cabin) which has everything (power, hotwater, TV, internet etc) but is only big enough for a couple (who get on well...). We would prefer our house sitters to use the cabin rather than bring a motor home or caravan as the enclosed dog yard is around the cabin.
The location is a treat - the cabin is surrounded by trees, we have lots of birds & a big dam, and we are 2 km from Congo Beach and National Park, 12 km from Moruya. The property is quiet and is nestled among similar properties with friendly nieghbours. There is a strong community of organic growers in the Eurobodalla district to tap into.
If interested please send an and let me know your background. thanks for reading. Susan