Hello! While I am away, my beautiful old home, house plants, two dogs and three cats need tending to.
This is a perfect spot for travelers who love nature, writers/artists, runners and/or people seeking a retreat. I am literally in paradise- nestled by woods on three sides and a beautiful hilly meadow in front of the house. It feels like being in the "middle of nowhere" yet I am only 4 miles from the closest town (Hamilton, NY).
Besides hanging out on the front porch and going for walks in the woods, there is also much to do in the surrounding area of Central NY. The Adirondacks are a few hours a way, Syracuse and Utica are an hour away for city happenings and there are amazing trails nearby.
Here is the work that needs to be done:
- The houseplants need a weekly drink
- Animal care: the dogs need a daily walk for about an hour. The dogs and cats need feeding of course. The dogs have an enclosed yard in the back of the house, and their poo needs picking up every couple of days. I compost the dog poo and cat litter and the bin is in the backyard (kitchen scraps go in there too). The cat boxes need checking daily. There are trails in the woods next to the house lots more a short drive away. I ask that you keep the house tidy. The house is heated by a wood pellet stove and I will show you how to use that before I leave (super easy). I have garbage and recycling pick up. Thje lawn will need mowing every 1-2 weeks and I have a riding mover so it's realy easy (and fun!).
My parents and friends are in the area so if local assitance is needed, there is plenty of support closeby. Please contact me if you have any questions! I look forward to hearing from you.