We have two lovely rescue staffy crosses and two cats who are brothers and all of them need some friendly people to look after them whilst we are away for a few days. Riley is a 9 year old black Irish Staffy who has the sweetest nature and a favourite of our grandchildren. Mabel is a little white staffy terrier cross with black patches over her eyes and has a very cheeky character. The cats are Haas ( a lovely tabby boy who is very posh) and Elma ( a ginger cat who loves cuddles and is very chatty).
We are looking for housesitters who can walk the dogs a couple of times every day, we live in a beautiful area close to the hills and woods where there are lots of lovely walks. As well as this its giving out lots of cuddles to all four and making sure they are all well and happy -fed and watered. Our two dogs are used to being walked at least twice a day for at least an hour or two a day and so you will need to be a dog lover and keen on walking. Both our cats are very loving and keen on cuddles so you will also need to be a cat lover who is happy to sit in the evenings with cats and dogs sat with you on the sofa.
We live in an area called Leckhampton within walking distance of the centre of Cheltenham. We are nestled in the hills around Cheltenham and within a short drive of many of the local market towns such as Cirencester, Stroud and Bourton-on-the -water in the Cotswolds.