We have a 2BR cottage on 10 acres with a variety of animals. 3 horses, 1 cow, 1 emu, 2 wallabies, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 3 galahs, 1 macaw, 1 lorikeet, 1 cockatiel, 3 snakes, fish tank, ducks, chooks, guinea fowls, and peacocks. They need feeding and watering every day with a run to Woolies to pick up fruit and veg to feed out to everyone. The house yard has expansive lawns and gardens all under reticulation. Some hand watering of pot plants also required. Feeding takes about an hour each morning and a couple of hours late afternoon. There is a shelter station to house a caravan with an extra bedroom and ensuite attached to a 3 bay carport. Litchfield Park is just a short drive away and the weather in September is not too hot. The house has air cons in all rooms. All the animals are friendly and get on well with each other. Should the house sitters need a vehicle, a ute is available. We are half hour from Darwin CBD & close to shops.