Username slotraveler  

65 + years
Sep 19,2024
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

If youre not familiar with San Luis Obispo, you are in for a treat.  It's a small but classy college town (pop. 45,000) with a lively social scene.  Surrounded by gorgeous scenery of hills, vineyards, and agriculture with a mission-style downtown.  200 miles from Los Angeles to the south and 200 miles to San Francisco to the north.  Convenient transportation to the airport three miles away and two miles to the Amtrak Station.

Traveling Grandparent here, responsible home and business owner, needing a housesitter at various times of the year for cat care and watering a small yard.  I'm an active retired senior who enjoys hiking, cycling, book club, and traveling.

I've recently moved back to San Luis Obispo.  My home is small but well-appointed with colorful art and quality furnishings.  Two bedrooms, one with a twin bed and one with a double bed.  SLO has moderate temperatures, hot during summer days, cooling off in the evening.  House is equipped with AC for those very hot days,

Location is terrific at the south end of town in a quiet neighborhood about ten miles from the beach.  Bus line is right out front, and Trader Joe's is just across the street.  I have a bike to loan out if you're a cyclist and buses run hourly to the beach.

I have years of experience taking care of my own home and pets, in addition to running a hostel (Hostel Obispo in San Luis Obispo, CA) for twenty years. I can furnish you with many personal references.

Pets and animals have always been part of my household, everything from chickens, dogs, and cats.   I will be an attentive and loving caretaker of your pets while you are away.

I've found wonderful housesitters for my own home and equally wonderful housesits for myself through housecarers , which makes having pets and traveling both easy and affordable.  My cat Luna is most personable cat ever, very affectionate with everyone.  She is part Maine Coon and has the quirky personality of that breed.   My yard is small with part on a self-regulating drip system.  Hand-watering every other day takes about a half hour.  House-sitting for me is an easy gig.

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