: /> I am a widowed mother of 2 and grandma of 3, retired police officer (from Arizona), non-smoker, pet lover (was a pet groomer), semi-neat freak (keep things tidy), with experience in minor home repair and ready to take excellent care of your home and pets while you travel. I have done pet sitting in 13 states for dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, fish, geckos and a pig and also horses, sheep and cattle in Australia and a dog and cat in England. I have watered gardens, mowed lawns and taken care of pools.
I once owned a horse, birds, fish, rabbit, and other assorted animals and can care for yours. I have helped feed goats and horses on a friends farm. I am happy to take your dogs on walks or play fetch and give kitties lots of attention. I also give great doggie massages! I handle pets with a soft voice and a calm manner and talk to them all the time. Like they're kids.
I travel light and am extremely respectful of other people's property and space. I don't put cold drinks on wooden tables without a coaster, I eat at the table and I leave my shoes at the door. When you return, the sheets will be fresh, the dishes put away and your pets sad to see me go. I helped my daughter and son-in-law start a mobile pet grooming business in So California in 2006 and was the fulltime groomer until the summer of 2007 when my son-in-law took over fulltime. They sold the business in 2013.
I retired in 1998 and have worked many seasonal/temp jobs since that include Alaska 2 summers, Super Bowl 43, 2002 & 2010 Winter Olympics and driving a senator during the 2012 Rep Nat'l Convention. I drove a cargo van delivering freight and pets nationwide and one reference titled 'uShip feedback' will show my feedback scores from that . In 2015, I drove a BING mapping car all over California then I went up to Seattle where I drove a PODS truck and a 45' motor coach. I worked a summer camp job in Maine Jun to Aug 2016 with my sister then pet sat in WA and TX before spending time in Hawaii. I was an Uber driver for a little while in San Diego in 2017.
I bought a house in Springfield, MO in Oct 2020 since Covid caused pet sits to be canceled. I rent out my spare room to traveling nurses and can still do some traveling and trips.