10 years experience, Newport Beach, California single or couple

Username Housesitter493  

65 + years
Jan 18,2025
retired (ex dept. of Ed employee)
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks

Newport Beach, retired California couple or single (in their 60's). Ten years of house sit experience.   Dual U.K. and American citizenship.  If housesit is located within a one hour drive to the airport, I will be happy to drive you there and back (reminbursed for petrol/gas).  I will also text and send photos every day of your pets.

Have house sat for many breeds of dogs from Yorkies to Labs, and many different breeds of cats (both outdoor and indoor). Love dogs and take for walks three times a day. Have taken pets to vet for meds and administered meds to pets. Have experience with elderly pets, including taking care of a large, blind dog.  Have also taken care of small farm.

Non-smokers experienced in house sitting. Life style is one of "home body" with taking long walks, love to read, and usually in bed by 9:00pm. Gardening is a specialty with taking care of everything from roses, to tomatoes to beets.

Very handy around the house, with making own repairs from plumbing to small electrical. Have taken care of aquariums - both salt and fresh water. Previous background in both residential and commercial property management. Local and overseas references. Extremely reliable - regardless of duration of housesit, have never had to cancel a sit that was already agreed to and set up.

Personal references are available for you to call or . Have posted Department of Justice clearance to show no history of criminal activity.  I also have an excellent credit rating which I could also provide.

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