Couple looking to experience different locations whilst minding your house.

Username Novocastrian  

65 + years
Not Available
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days

Novocastrian is currently not available. Find more House Sitters    

  Not Available  

We are a mature retired couple who have been enjoying house sitting since Currently our time is spent keeping fit and doing volunteer work with seniors. Ray is a member of Newcastle Probus.

Our 2012 sits were in sunny Queensland when we found that house sitting suits us well. We have met some very nice people and been given the opportunity to explore towns new to us. More recently we have enjoyed Port Macquarie and Sydney’s northern beaches, also a great six weeks on NSW north coast through most of the winter. The following winter was Canberra and inner Sydney, both times with great cats. Winter 2016 began with a sit in Bundaberg with a very loyal, obedient dog, and from there we were able to pick up short sits with other pets to enjoy Queensland's warmer weather.

Our more recent sits have included chickens, a pig and more cats and dogs, in places such as Atherton Tablelands, Ourimbah, Scarborough and Sydney CBD.

Lois was employed for twenty years as a NSW Public Servant. Ray was Manager of BGF at Newcastle Regional Markets for twenty years; after early retirement he took out a horse trainer’s licence with Newcastle Jockey Club as a hobby. We are non smokers and proud house owners, be assured your property will be cared for as though it were our own. References can be supplied if required.

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (1)

“ Delightful couple ”

Sit Dates May-11-21 - May-18-21 Homeowner HappyAlaska, Member Since Jun-17-06

Location Helensburgh NSW Australia

Thank you so much, Ray and Lois for your care for my home and cat. I'm particularly grateful that you coped so graciously with the very untimely failure of a couple of my appliances. Tia was obviously spoiled and my home was left beautifully clean and tidy. I'd be delighted to have you back anytime and I hope you continue to enjoy exploring and house sitting.

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