We are a mature, responsible, non smoking, non drinking couple who have provided short term house sitting services for the past three years. We have been home owners for thirty years, built our own home, and lived the past six years off grid. I am a Registered Nurse with a MBA and do a lot of contract work. Dave is an Instrumentation Technician (HVAC controls, security, electronics) plus a great handy man who does a lot of contract work in off grid living, wilderness survival, and search and rescue. We are both very active, health and fitness fanatics, as well as outdoor, adventurers. We both love animals and have cared for chickens, horses, cows, reptiles, spiders, dogs & cats. Other specialty contract areas of caring, if required, include: your small business needs (phones, scheduling, store front, bookkeeping, etc) or your family needs, including nursing care, for those who can't travel with you (children, aging parents or ill or disabled family). We have references and security clearances.