Hello there!
Having recently retired from my job as a Community Psychiatric Nurse within the NHS (UK), I find myself blessed with the freedom and opportunity to venture into the wider world. I am by nature a kind, caring and considerate individual who can be relied upon to take great care of your home and pets. I don’t smoke and live very peaceably in my own company. I am open to considering all possibilities regarding house/pet sitting, helping out with projects of any sort, and generally giving of myself to assist and support in new, novel, and/or interesting and yet to be explored ways. I am also quite good with house plants and gardens. My ideal length of stay would be from one month upwards, depending upon location and what it is you are seeking in your choice of sitter.
As a child I was brought up with an array of pets including: dogs, cats, gerbils, the obligatory hamster, tropical fish, an extremely vocal cockatiel, guinea pigs and rabbits. As an adult I have always loved the company of animals and had the great, good, fortune to have had many truly amazing and quite magical relationships with them all.
I have travelled extensively, spending a year working my way through Europe in my late teens, primarily picking up seasonal jobs as a fruit picker and farm labourer. In my early twenties, having continued to work as a farm labourer in Britain, I saved enough money to be able travel to India and S.E. Asia for a year. A trip inspired by meeting intrepid young travellers with incredible tales of far out adventures, in far flung and exotic lands, and my own travels in Israel and Egypt. I later went on to live and work in New Zealand for 18 months, and some years later the Island of St Helena. On both occasions working as a psychiatric nurse. I have also spent a year travelling in Central and South America and made numerous other, shorter trips, to many varied destinations around the World.
I’m pretty handy with a screwdriver and know my way around a tool kit. My initiation into all things DIY beginning just as soon as my father could have me hand him a nail or tend to any other job he thought it within my wits to perform. I also spent 6 years working on a renovation project in my twenties and can turn my hand to most practical jobs.
If you think you might be interested in discussing my suitability for a role or need you have in mind, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m a trustworthy, conscientious and considerate chap, who can be relied upon to look after your animal friends and home with care and respect, and should very much welcome the opportunity to do so.