46 - 55 years
Not Available
Brand consultant
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

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Hi. We are creative professionals caring for prestigious properties and the gorgeous fur babies that come with them.

We have lived in the Eastern suburbs for more than 25 years both as property owners and tennants. We have helped with the well being of multiple homes and pets in Rose Bay, Bondi, Little Bay and Redfern. We both have current police checks and many glowing references.

Our entree to house sitting was caring for 2 dogs in a beautiful property near the city for 3 months and we loved it. We have also had quite a number of month long appointments in the east, each with dogs. We are house proud, mindful, loving and generous sitters.

We come with lots of love and energy. We have 2 gorgeous and mindful children, Gabriel, 16yrs and Mila, 9 years. We all love pets and my daughter and I are keen gardeners. I work from home and spend significant time consulting with clients on zoom, so I am around for company, pats and chats throughout the day until the children get home from school.

We have many years of experience caring for family cats and dogs. Our dogs have included Silky Terriers, a female Boxer, male Kelpie and a sweet female Rottweiler. While house sitting we have cared for a male American Staffy / Labrador, a male full breed Labrador, a female American Staffy, a female West Highland Terrier, a male Jack Russell and a female Labradoodle. Truly, we have fallen in love with them all.

We all enjoy the walking, running, back scratches and tummy tickles that come with caring for pets. We fall a little (or a lot) in love with each of them. We are happy in the habit of 2 dog walks a day and the extra love and care that comes with multiple fur babies.

Our daughter goes to school in Bondi at Montessori East and our son to Rose Bay Secondary College where he is an honour roll student. We are an active and healthy family. My son and I enjoy ocean swimming year round, he is also a keen surfer, Mila is a dancer and a gymnast and Pete works in the film industry, plays basketball and is coach to my sons basketball team.

We understand travel is better with complete peace of mind and happily share updates and snaps on while you’re not at home.

I am very happy share our glowing references with you.



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