A mature, responsible, reliable, clean and hardworking adult male with a little doggy.

Username atay87  

26 - 36 years
Sep 14,2024
Green Space Management
Single male
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hey there!

We are looking for a nice home to sit for some of, or all of the Manitoban winter months.

Unfortunately for us, we haven’t been able to find housing for this coming winter and do not have the resources to endure the harsh winter in our trailer camper.

So we have to get creative! 

Hense this,

Head west and house sit.

A little about us..

I am an assistant super intendant at a golf course here in Western Manitoba.

I enjoy all things outdoors, athletics as well as the arts.

I am mature, responsible, reliable and clean however, I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and keep up on maintenance.

From chopping wood to shovelling snow, watering the plants to doing the dishes.

I am into all that fun stuff! 

I also maintain a healthy lifestyle, staying active, eating well and not abusing drugs or alchohol. 

As for Little Ataya (my dog).

She may just actually be the best dog ever. She’s not a big dog, she doesn’t bark unless there is a “threat” or legitimate reason for doing so. She only eats her dog food, treats and only tears up her toys via tug o wars with me. She only ever 1 and 2’s outside. She listens to her commands and is extremely obedient. She’s my little shadow so to speak and basically follows me every where, she even comes and works at the golf course.

We appreciate you’re time, consideration and hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you.

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