5+ years Experienced Mum & Daughter Pet Loving Duo in the South of England

Username LadySitters02  

26 - 36 years
Not Available
Affiliate Marketer
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

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Hi! My name is Layla and I will be house sitting with my mum, Deborah.

My mum and I have always loved to travel around since I was a kid, and have been house sitting together for over 5 years!

We have combined experience with a range of pets, but have a particular soft spot for cats. We offer a full-time, live-in pet/house sitting service for those going away for weeks at a time. We specialize in long sits (1 months). We do not offer pop in services.

My mum and I both work online, so good WiFi is a must! This also means that we are around a lot to keep your animals company, and house secure.

We're very peaceful individuals; we love the countryside and nature, but do also enjoy the big city every now and then (we are Londoners afterall!).

We are very respectful of others property, always keeping things clean and tidy; and due to having moved around alot (and house sitting), we both have a wealth of experience with taking care of a variety of different properties: from cosy modern flats to large, detached, period houses.

We can provided over 45 positive reviews and references.

We offer a professional pet & home sitting service, giving you peace of mind knowing that your pets and home are in good hands.

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