Any good view!

Username mildredjane  

65 + years
Jan 14,2025
Retired Registered Nurse
Single female
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

I am a Registered Nurse that has worked in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (the littlest of babies) for thirty three years. Presently, I AM RETIRED!!

I also own and manage a commercial office building in Gainesville, Florida. Thanks to online banking, this can be done from my computer and a little help from my electrician, plumber, contractor ...OH, MY!

I worked as an RN for three months in the hospital in St. Thomas, USVI, January through April of 2006.

I loved the people, the island and all of the new experiences that this brought to me!

My housesitting experience has been in Ajijic, Mexico, May and June of 2007 and a six week stay in the same household October through November 2007, two dogs and an aging cat.

In April 2012, I traveled to Bormes Les Mimosa, France to work in the gardens of a private villa every delightful morning in exchange for a sunny apartment only steps from the hill town.

Thanksgiving weekend 2019, I met a lovely Sarasota, Florida couple and their sweet little pup for my most recent housesit.  Miss Pup and I roamed the historic district of Florida daily taking in the architecture and renovations.  This housesit had an added perk -- my son and daughter-in-law lived a hop and a jump away -- what fun!

I am an organizer, I enjoy clean and simple. I take pride in my home.

Being outside and exercising is always a "needed" daily routine for me. I am in good health, no restrictions, no medications.

Currently I volunteer at the Wilmot Gardens Greenhouse on the University of Florida campus. Here I transplant, water, scout for insects, pot and repot, prune and trim. Seems like all my life I've cared for babies of one type or another!

I have always been an avid seamstress. Making quilts is my current passion.

I love to read and, I guess, my B.S. in Journalism gives me a license to write but I can't sit still long enough to turn out more than an article for the newsletter of my volunteer gardening organization.

Thank you for your consideration.

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