Responsible, capable woman to take great care of your home, garden and pets.

Username greatcare  

65 + years
Oct 23,2024
retired massage therapist/videography
Single female
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days

Good day!

Some information about me: I moved to Vancouver Island September 2021 and I'm  living in in Oak Bay (Victoria)BC, Canada. Previously I was in Penticton BC, for ten years and prior to that, I lived in California and Arizona for 19 years. I have dual Canada/ USA citizenship and with retirement I plan to do more exploring again.

Some of my Pet and House sits:

My last sit was in August 2023 on Quadra Island. I looked after a very sweet cat, a flock of chickens and a huge homestead garden. Though they kept bees, they took care of themselves. This was for about 9 days

In May 2023 took care of a playful young cat and a patio garden in Squamish, BC. About 2 weeks long of a sit.

July 2022 saw me in Nanaimo with a small dog and Maine Coon cat- both with big personalities. Both were older, very independant pets that mostly rested other than a couple of walks a day for the dog, Eunice.

August 2022 I took care of a playful dog that was full of fun and mischief. She loved her walks, treats and lots of attention. There was also a small yard/ garden that needed care. This sit was in New Westminster, BC.

July/ August 2021 I looked after a couple of adoreable young cats that loved to play. Unfortunately the terrible fires in Vernon during this time made it necessary for us to all evacuate but we weathered it well. I had such fun looking after and playing with these lovely cats.

  In 2018 and 2019 I spent the winter travelling in the southern USA with a few months in Key West Florida and a house sit in San Diego( a lovely home and great dog- Stella).

I also did a sit in North Vancouver Canada in the early spring of a lovely home, making meals for a foreign student and taking care of Oliver, a very independant cat.

In the fall of 2019 I did a cat and home sit near Bellingham Washington then traveled in Southeast Asia for four and a half months- Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Bali Indonesia and Singapore. (till March 2020)

  Prior to 2019 I went through a phase of staying put in Canada and had not been traveling very much. This was in large part because of my work but I was also content to stay put as I found much to engage in Penticton. Though previously, I have done sits in many places such as: Sedona, AZ, San Antonio, Texas, Monterey, Ca., North Sanich, BC, Canada, Squamish, BC Canada and an extended sit (over a year) in Tucson AZ. Over the years I have cared for dogs, cats a rabbit and birds. I love to garden and have had the pleasure of tending to some lovely gardens as well.

 Background Info: The last 28 years of my working life, I was self employed as a professional massage therapist and some time as an instructor of massage. I have also done a bit of work creating videos, managing social media and helping people market their businesses online. I retired in stages though have been fully retired for 4 years.

 Some other details: I was born in Toronto, Canada and spent many years there working in social services. Though I still have family there in Toronto, I prefer a smaller community and I adore BC with mountains the ocean and wide open wild nature.

 I love to garden though this summer I am taking a break to travel a bit more. I enjoy photography. I have lots of friends in Penticton and I'm just starting to make some Victoria friends. I'm quite social though I also appreciate quiet. I like to read, meditate, hike/ walk- travel and explore new places.

 I have taken great care of my own homes both as an owner and renter, including doing basic maintenance and repairs. I've lived a number of times in other peoples homes, caring for their pets and property and I and understand the importance of doing this with attentive care. I am reliable, considerate and trustworthy. You can be assured of great care for your pets and your home.

Though I have had dear pets of my own (dogs, cats, birds and fish) I have chosen not to have any pets right now as I'm wanting to be free to travel.

Because I'm a videographer, I have video taped many of my house sit and character references, forteen videos in total. I am happy to send links of these to potential homes I apply to sit. There is only provision for one video on the Housecarers site but I have many more.

If we live some distance away from each other, I can video interview with you on Zoom, , messenger, What'sApp or Facetime (free online internet video) Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and plans. I look forward to chatting. Thanks for your consideration, Rita

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