Active retired couple wishing to experience life abroad while caring for your home.

Username OnTheHouse  

65 + years
Jan 23,2025
Retired teacher
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks

Keith and I are retired teachers who enjoy staying in one region when we travel. We are non-smokers who love the outdoors. We live in Canada where we own and maintain a home and cottage and have cared for pets for many years. We are willing and able and more than happy to look after your property in your absence.

We like to spend enough time in one place to see what life is really like in that part of the world. House sitting gives us the opportunity to experience another country from a home base, visiting local attractions, exploring the area on foot, on public transport, or by car, or just relaxing and enjoying the view.

We have enjoyed several very successful house sitting experiences, the first of which was in the south of France in 2015.  We returned to house sit for the same owners, and their 2 dogs, in February, 2016.  They have since moved to greater London and we have been able to house sit for them there a number of times, caring for their 2 lovely dogs. We also enjoyed a 2 week stay in a different home in the London area, looking after a lovable dog, cat, and a fish. We've been fortunate to house sit twice in Scotland including a wonderful 6 weeks caring for 3 delightful cats.

We both have decades of experience maintaining homes. Keith has tended his daughter's small farm for up to ten days on occasion, looking after the house and animals (dog, cat, sheep and chickens). Although we are not expert gardeners, we have flower gardens and maintain yards at our home and cottage.

We are proud home owners who are very responsible and particular about the condition and appearance of our own property. We would be just as diligent in caring for your home and pets.

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