Retired nuclear power professionals want to travel

Username SCTumbleweeds  

65 + years
Jan 23,2025
Retired nuclear plant operator
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

We are a married couple and worked for many years in nuclear power generation near our home in South Carolina in the US. That kind of work means you get serious background investigations.

We have owned or tended dogs and cats along the way and are both animal lovers. I can do minor repairs and manual work and my wife is good with technology. 

We are open to a wide range of locations and are willing to learn new skills if the opportunity presents itself.

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (2)

“ Great Couple ”

Sit Dates Oct-3-23 - Oct-14-23 Homeowner Westcliffe, Member Since Jul-28-22

Location Westcliffe Colorado United States

Gary and Pam took great care of our senior dog, our barn kitties and our house.  They sent updates and were readily available to communicate if I needed to reach them.  I'd recommend them.

“ SCTumbleweeds review ”

Sit Dates Jul-2-22 - Jul-12-22 Homeowner troutman, Member Since Aug-28-21

Location Edmonton Alberta Canada

Gary and Pam drove from Idaho to sit for us while we were away. They came a day before, so we had an opportunity to get to know them, and then left when my wife returned. They were great housesitters and hugely attentive and affectionate towards our two dogs, who lapped up the attention. The house was very clean and tidy when we returned, and Gary helped with the lawns, which was much appreciated. We had a very enjoyable evening with them the day they came, and would highly recommend them to anyone else.

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