Hi! We are Dave and Annette. We would love to care for your home and kitty while experiencing more of the country. Between us we have more than fifty years experience loving and caring for cats and we have more than five years accumulated experience house-sitting for friends, most of them with pets. We are very clean, quiet and considerate and we will care for your home as we do ours.
Dave is a retired draw-bridge operator with a mechanical engineering background. He is trained in wilderness first-aid, advanced SCUBA certified, marine electrician certified and an avid sailor. He is also thoughtful, creative and has often been teased that he is a "MacGuiver" because of his ability to solve the problem at hand with few resources.
Annette was a proposal manager, web developer and contemporary dancer before we moved to British Columbia. Colleagues and friends have said: Annette is positive, efficient, inspiring and a talented professional who is personable and friendly yet knows how to get things done.
We are non-smoking, vegetarian and in excellent health. We love hiking, camping, sailing, diving and snow shoeing. We have owned our off-grid home for over fifteen years and have replaced the roof, rebuilt the deck, added an entry/mud room, built a work shop and wood shed, designed and installed solar-electric and basic plumbing and enjoy a year-round garden. We live in a remote area that is only accessible by boat. We are self-sufficient and capable of handling any surprises that may come up.
We would prefer to care for non-smoking homes.
We recently lost our beloved kitty Freya and are missing feline company. We have experience administering oral medications, eye drops, special diets and have cared for wounds.
Dave lived fifteen years on a sailboat with his kitty Diana. I have always had at least one cat living with me and together Dave and I have shared our life with three siamese girls: Diana, Luna and Freya.
Thank you for considering us,
Dave and Annette