Active, professional, non-smoking, semi-retired couple in their mid 50's. Flexible on location and duration.

Username MF_Southend  

56 - 64 years
Jan 13,2025 My Calendar
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

We are a non-smoking active couple in our mid 50's who have recently been able to give up the day to day grind and semi-retire. 

Having recently sold our house to downsize we are looking for new locations to explore the next chapter in our lives before deciding, if that is possible, where next to put down roots.

We have done some housesitting over the years (mainly the UK & US) and are looking to spread our wings further both in location and duration as we have the time. When sitting we always look after someone's home as if it were our own and are very conscientious about maintaining and sorting out issues should any arise.

So what do we bring to the table, well we are a double act, both reliable, responsible and fortunate to be flexible in what happens next. Tony is handy around the house and garden - having done most of our previous renovations and repairs, so no worries about any problems that may arise; he can handle it. He also looked after the maintenance and up keep of my mum's large 4 double bedroomed house for many years often at no notice. I am a perfectionist and keep a clean and tidy house, well organised and love cooking. I have experience cleaning and housekeeping.

We are happy to look after your dogs (large or small) cats and other animals and would be happy to take on even larger types e.g. horses, alpacas but would need to be shown what to do. We are also prepared to undertake routine maintenance tasks (cutting the grass, shovelling snow) for long term sittings.

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