I'm here for you, I got you !

Username Eugene  

46 - 55 years
Dec 5,2024
Single male
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hi there my name is Ronald. I am interviewing for a house and petsitter position, to help support my intrests in life, such as reactivating my Real Estate License and starting my own Business.

Also, I used to be the unofficial caretaker of my Grandfather's Brownstone Home, in NYC. So I'm very understanding, careful and diligent, when it comes to guarding our safehaven - HOME.

I would be a passionate and exceptional employee. My availability is pretty flexible at the moment. I am comfortable doing property watching, plant care, pet and animal care, snow removal, errand running, cleaning, bird feeding and more !

I loves Cats too, and I'm not bad with Dogs either. I think I'd be great fit !  I simply do as I am told,and I try not to assume too many things. I was a Licensed Realtor, so I have a professional attitude and I love meeting new people.

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