Experienced & Recommended Couple. Former Vet Assistant & Property Manager.

Username HouseSittingbyCycle  

46 - 55 years
Jun 22,2024
Rental Property, Website Design, TESOL Instructor
3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

**Full-time International House Sitters since 2013** 

We're Sheila & Kai, a couple offering exceptional live-in care for your home & your pets while you're away. As home owners and former pet owners, we understand the importance of choosing a trustworthy house sitter. Because of our combined experience as professional property manager & developer, veterinary assistant, home owners & builders, and house sitters, we possess the expertise to respond efficiently and effectively to any event or emergency that may arise during our sitting assignments. We treat every home and pet as if it were our own. You can rest assured we will keep everything safe, secure and well cared for during your absence.

Our location-independent careers (web design, property rental, travel writing, TESOL instruction) allow us the freedom to travel full time. It also provides us extremely flexible schedules so that we're able to accommodate both short and long term assignments. Since we work from your home we're able to respond to pets needs immediately and we provide additional security by being present in the home almost 24/7.

We appreciate every opportunity to meet your house sitting needs. Through house sitting we're able to build friendships with wonderful people from around the world, to live like locals in "homes away from home" and, on occasion, to spend time with (and fall in love with) some fantastic pets.

We have many references who are happy to or talk to you directly about our character and quality of service.

You can learn more about us and our experience by visiting our site (link listed in details at top of page).

We look forward to discussing your sitting needs!

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  • If needed, Here is a free - easy to use resize site: http://www.picresize.com
  • The profile Picture must be uploaded to position 1 /slot 1 of your gallery .
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